Juicing. It’s a life style, not a diet.
What is Juicing?
Juicing refers to the process of extracting the liquid or juice from fruits and vegetables while leaving behind the solid pulp. Yup, that’s the definition of Juicing. And yes, we are not talking about OJ and apple juice, we are talking loads of veggies, more than you could possibly eat in one serving or even over the whole day. With just enough fruit juice to make it palatable. Trust me, my recipies are delicious! And no, you will not go hungry either, my juices are satiable, just in case that’s your next question.
Lets go back to the question of what an actual Juice Cleanse is and why it’s the perfect way to do a fast:
You are a walking talking human “Juicer”. We put food in our mouth, chew it up, swallow, pass it through our tummy where it gets broken up even more, and then by passing it through your intetstines the “juice” and it’s nutrition gets absorbed into our bloodstream hours after we ate. That’s the very simplified gist of it. So that means, should we let a machine do this work for us, not only would be give our body a rest, we also would be receiving the nutrition within a fraction of time, say 15-30 minutes instead of hours.
Juicing is not a diet. I don’t do diets. With Juicing I give my body the best possible nutrition in the best possibly, relaxing way. It’s a win win. And also, yes, you will get rid of a few pounds and you will feel lighter in your body, mentally and emotionally. And by giving your body a break you give it time and strentg to take care of itself, heal itself. You’ll see!
A Juice Cleanse is a fabulous way to jumpstart any changes in your life. Trust me, I have done it, experienced it and am living today to tell you all about it.
Once you have lived through these changes and experienced it yourself through a 7 Day, or 14 Day or even 28 Day Juice Cleanse – yes, I do those once a year – you will always want to have Juice in your life. It’s the simplest way to incorporate healthy nutrition. It’s so simple, even I can do it.
“Juicing is so much more than just a fast.” Jacqui
Don’t wanna juice yourself? Have it delivered by Frank Juice to your door step! Anywhere in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. (DACH)
Live Workshops!
Interested in hosting a Juice Workshop at your house, office, network event?

Love it
The recipes are the bomb! Tasty, I tell Ya! You will feel amazing!
Do it.
You’ll get the hang of it. I promise. It’s not that hard. If I can do it, you can!
If not now, when?
You don’t have to be feeling sick and tired to start. You don’t have to feel uncomfortable in your body to give it a try. You may just be curious. That’s ok.
Why not?
You just wanna drop a few pounds? Sure. Vanity is a total valid reason. Health is too. Healthy is the new sexy. You knew that.

Juice Cleansing
Juice Cleansing means that you commit to nourishing yourself exclusively – ish for 7, 14 or 28 Days, or however long you see fit for whatever it is you try to accomplish solely with freshly pressed juices.

Once you have experienced the value of freshly pressed juices you will never want to not have juices in your life! Promise!

Check the SPECIALS page for updates, please.
At this point I do not offer Juice Cleanses without Coaching. I just don’t believe in it.
For quotes other than Bloom, please schedule a free consultation. It’s the Button on the top right of the page.

The best juicer is the one you use. Period.
I started out with a fast machine for less than 100 bucks, I used it for three years and gave it away, still working great.

Fast or Slow Juicer
Fast Juicers are just that. Yes, they are fast, however, you get less juice, especially from the great greens, and the juice won’t hold as long in the fridge. These days there are quite affordable slow juicers for all kinds of budgets. Ask me.

Do I need a Blender? Yes!
I like to add on to the juices, for example a banana, or, seeds, or spirulina. So, after I freshly juice my veggies and fruit, I will spin it into “thickies” (thanks for that word, Jason Vale) by adding the goodies into the blender.
my juicy journey – how it started

Dear Jason.
Almost 7 years ago I was introduced to Juicing during a one week retreat in Costa Rica. I was living in Colorado, USA at the time. I was lucky to experience a 5 Day Juice Cleanse and it felt like I was coming out of a Coma. It truly was. It was such an amazing experience. It changed my life.
Back in Colorado I experimented with Raw Food, Blending and Juicing.
The following year I returned to the same retreat for 2 weeks and participated in another Juice Cleanse. This time after I went back home I started looking more and more into Juicing. Regularly. Consistently. It should prove to be the best thing as it helped me through the end of a painful and poisonous marriage and breakup and finally divorce.
About a year later I decided to take my juicing to the next level and signed up for your school. I wanted to become a Juice Therapist. Juice the World. Like you.
That was at the end of 2017.
Well, life continued and I struggled in many aspects of my divorced life. Basic survival, nurturing my children, keeping the house and animals put my education on a back burner. I continued running my photography business and with being a single mother in the USA it was hard to find a balance.
Fast forward to today. Covid closed my business in the US in March of 2020. I relocated my daughter, my pets and myself to Berlin, Germany. We are now living in a very pretty little house in the heart of the city. First things I bought when we landed were a Juicer and a Blender (and a piano for my daughter 😉). I am juicing daily again. I continue to inspire others. I am done renovating and settling in. My camera gear is still packed up as I am not sure that that’s what I want to do again for work. And here I am:
I have a hard time getting back into the process of studying. I am missing my goal. I know what I want, but I don’t know how to get there. I had looked into the possibilities of planning a retreat back in the States, but the obstacles, filling the retreat center with enough clients, coming up with a huge deposit for the location etc, were so very discouraging as a new student that I went back to focusing on my established photography career, plus, I wasn’t ready, hadn’t finished my studies.
I am staring at my books. I looked into my school account a few days ago to make sure I am still there. I am…