The unconventional 8 Week Program to jumpstart your next Journey.
This plan is perfect for You if:
You think it's about time that you come first, because usually
you put everybody and everything else ahead of your own needs. You are the provider, you carry the responsibility and now it’s time to sit back and let somebody else drive for a bit. Retreat to move forward.
You are ready to invest in yourself and want to give yourself
and your body an energetic jumpstart and get on with your new life with lots of power.
You have had some serious life changes, be it health or other
shit like a divorce, death of a partner – or pet! – the kids moving out and on and it’s time to take care of yourself and move forward.
You are about to start something new, like a business, or planning on
a big change, considering to date again and you need all the energy and support you can get. You wanna look and feel your best and don’t wanna do it alone.

The Three Foundations of Bloom

Human Design
What do you truly want and desire? You know it! Dare to say it out loud. Free yourself of old debilitating limited belief sentences.
Enjoy learning who you really are as a tool for sustainable change.

Juicing is fantastic. Period. Juicing is not a diet. Also period. A proper Juice Cleanse gives your body the break it needs to heal itself, while getting the best nutrition possible. It’s simple.
Discover how much your body, mind and mood changes after just 7 days of proper Juicecleansing.

I see You!
I see your beauty. I see your strength. I see your love. I have been using my talent to bring out the best in people for over 30 years. Now it’s your turn.
Show Yourself!
Session 1
First, let’s go on a “Walk’n Talk”. You know, the Socrates thing. Walk and Talk. They call that ‘building rapport’. I call it getting to know you. I like it in person, Zoom is fine.
We will take a snap shot of you, now, at the very beginning of the program, a visual, mental, physical and emotional snapshot. Let’s have a look at where you are and look at your goal.
So far so good?
Session 2-5
This is where we work! We will meet for 90 minute sessions to find out your Human Design, work on your limiting belief sentences, learn how to build resistance and use your resources.
Session 6
I introduce you to Juicing and we will talk about nutrition in general. I will create and lead you through a one-week personalized successful Juice Cleanse with an NLP format I created just for that.
Session 7
This is the fantastic professional photo session to show off how far you have come! That’s in person. Of course.
Session 8
Here we have another look at what could possibly stop you from reaching your goal and get rid of it.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I need a Juicer AND a blender?
– Yes, you do. Both. Unless you decide to have your juices delivered.
Do I have recommendations?
– Yes, I do.
Is this program also for men?
– Sure.
Is this program also available in German?
– Absolutely! Na klar!
Your Investment
Your Investment of 3.333 Euro includes all 3 Steps of the Bloom Program.
Coaching, Juice Cleansing & Photography Session
Let’s do it!
So, if you are curious at all, about making a change in how you feel, from the inside out, dropping some personal weight, also dropping a few pounds (or not – hence, personalized juice plan), clearing your head, feeling light and beautiful, having fun, let’s do it.
Sometimes you need to retreat to move forward
Jason Vale – Juicemaster
Humans who inspires me. In no particular order.

Jen Pastiloff
On Being Human

Byron Katie
The Work

Jason Vale
He is my Juicy Rockstar kinda guy. Funny as hell. A great example of self made healthy take charge of your own life.

Lisa Mestars
Projector. Human Design Mentoring.

Joe Dispenza

Little facts about me. In no particular order.

I am afraid of hights.
We used to party on the rooftops of lower Manhatten in the 80s. Just thinking of that now makes me dizzy. I wonder if it has something to do with having kids, or maybe it’s just age.

Rhodesian Ridgeback
I fell in love with the breed 25 years ago and waited to have one sent to me from SA until my daughter was 5 and I was living on an acre in the Colorado Mountains.
Shaka aka Maxwood Dandah, son of Shangani Denga of Lionsriver and Taffeta of Maxwood. Best. Dog. Ever.

I love water. I have the best ideas in the shower, sitting in the hot tub, floating in a pool, snorkeling and diving with turtles.
I just got my motor boating license! Call me Captain!
Also, I had a near death experience as a child, drowning in the Baltic Sea. It was a very peaceful experience. I was 4.

David Bowie
I have met many big stars, however I never wanted to meet Mr. Jones because I adored him so much, even my very mentally ill mother remendered that and would send me pictures and books. I was afraid to be disappointed. I heard later I probably wouldn’t have been. Too late now.

Human Design
I am a Projector 2/4
Are you curious? Human Design is the most empowering tool! An initial reading will be my first gift to you.

French Fries
I love French Fries, and Chips and Guac. And Sushi. So, as much as I wanna be purely plant based, I am not quite there yet. Judge away.